OCCAM's Technologies

is a carbon-dioxide mitigation company.

We develop greenhouse gas mitigation technologies that avoid or capture CO2 emissions from power generation systems and which will be pivotal in our future net-zero power supply infrastructure. It is our goal to deploy these solutions to large industrial emitters first, then adapt them to the customer-specific applications for single user CO2 mitigation activities.

OCCAM's is seeking funding right now!

After our successful efforts at Startup TNT, we have closed our first funding round, and are currently preparing for the next one.

Click here for information on current opportunities!

OCCAM's is Actively Developing New Technologies

OCCAM's is taking an active role in carbon-dioxide elimination through multiple research and development efforts.  We are currently developing Direct Oxyfire Carbon Capture (DOCC), Solid Oxide Fuel Cells (SOFC), and Emissions Monitoring systems in concert with industry partnerships and academic institutions. 

Click here to learn more about our technologies!

 Latest Developments and Appearances

Current Partnerships