OCCAM’s is seeking investments to accelerate its ongoing development of DOCC technology.

We are currently working with Angels and VCs, with intent to close the next round by end of 2024, or early 2025.

Investment Justifications

Market Size

Based on our estimates of market size, the potential gross margins OCCAM’s could earn from the total DOCC market is CAD 27 billion per annum.  Even a small market share of this total addressable market would easily create a company valuation in the billions of Canadian Dollars.

Levelized Costs

OCCAM’s projects that its technology is profitable for natural-gas-fired diesel engines.  This implies a serviceable addressable market of CAD 400 million worth of gross margins per annum in North America alone.  We can already provide value to our customers.

Future Economics

Our ability to address this market is contingent on proving our technology and reducing our costs to manufacture these systems.  As we continue to improve our offerings, and increase our user's profitability, we will unlock larger potential shares of the total. 

Non-Financial Justifications

Current Environmental Damage

The current diesel fleet will emit 17 gigatons of carbon dioxide before it is retired from operation (based on estimates that the total fleet emits 1 gigaton per annum). These emissions come from mobile engines, locomotives, and marine vessels.

Our Environmental Impact

We aim to capture at least 95% of the emissions of our clients' diesel engines using our DOCC technology.  This will result in millions of tons of avoided emissions annually, perhaps even hundreds of millions if we achieve a large market share.

Current Capitalization

Equity, SAFES, and Debt

OCCAM’s has already raised over CAD 350,000.  We are using this money to fund our ongoing R&D efforts, find new business development options and product lines, create relationships with new and existing customers, and unlock further sources of non-dilutive funding from the Canadian government.

Grants and Non-Dilutive Sources

OCCAM’s will receive over CAD 2 million in non-dilutive funding on our current trajectory.  This money will come in the form of government grants and reimbursements for money spent on research.  Our team will continue to apply for research grants, and we expect to increase these funds in the future.

Technologies Under Development

While we are currently focusing our efforts on DOCC technology, we are working to develop SOFCs and emissions monitoring equipment.  These other technologies also have large potential markets that we have yet to quantify in our models.  The SOFC market depends on our ability to prove that we can cheaply generate zero-emission electricity directly from methane.  We are willing to silo these projects if investors are interested in investing into them directly.